March 21 - 22, 2025  |  Toronto, Ontario

March 21 and 22, 2025

Toronto Airport Marriott Hotel
901 Dixon Road, Toronto, ON M9W 1J5

© All Rights Reserved 2024

InterACTION 2025
Call for Proposals

The Ontario Physiotherapy Association (OPA) invites the submission of proposals for education, research and special interest projects for our annual conference, InterACTION 2025, which will be held in Toronto, March 21-22, 2025.

March 21-22, 2025

Toronto Airport Marriott Hotel

Our 2025 focus

New Perspectives.
Innovative Practices.
Stronger Networks.

OPA is committed to championing equity, diversity, inclusion, and Indigeneity within our education, research and special interest projects.

We welcome people from diverse communities, including those that have historically been marginalized and underrepresented (e.g., Black, racialized/ visible minorities, and Indigenous people; persons with disabilities; and 2SLGBTQIA+ persons), to submit proposals. Furthermore, we encourage submissions that address or consider equity, diversity, inclusion, and Indigeneity within the physiotherapy profession and the populations in which we serve.

InterACTION is a conference built by and for the whole physiotherapy profession.

OPA encourages submissions from people at all stages of their career and recognizes the expertise that comes with practice and each person’s unique insights and experiences.

We welcome submissions that describe unique programs or practices that physiotherapy professionals have developed.

As well as discussions of the most important issues facing the profession. OPA staff are available to support people in developing their ideas.

Call for Proposals

General Information

There are 3 streams for submitting your proposal for InterACTION 2025 – Education, Research or Special Interest Report sessions

Deadline for submissions is Sunday, Oct 6, 2024.

Questions, or looking for guidance on what makes a strong submission? Contact Amy Hondronicols, Director, Practice, Policy & Member Services.

Successful submissions include:

A thorough rationale for the topic, including the appropriate evidence-informed sources


A clear explanation of why this topic is relevant to the audience and the practice of physiotherapy


An explanation of how this topic addresses an area of priority concern in the profession, such as access to health services, promotion of equity, or health system transformation


Submission process:

All submissions are peer reviewed by OPA’s Education Committee, which includes members and Directors of the OPA Board.

No marketing or sales related submissions will be considered.

People who have made submissions will be notified of acceptance, revision, or non-selection of their submission in mid-November.

People whose submissions have been accepted will be asked to submit a brief biography and photo for each presenter, verify their title and session descriptions, and complete a speaker agreement by the end of November.

Any presentation slides or materials must be submitted in February 2025.

To promote discussion and engagement, presenters are requested to register for the conference, and will receive a discounted rate.

Call for Proposals

Education Session Presentations

The Ontario Physiotherapy Association (OPA) invites the submission of proposals for education sessions for our annual conference.

Education sessions explore areas of physiotherapy practice, including leadership, business practices, case studies, emerging practices, professional development, health systems and advocacy. Submissions should include an explanation of the evidence-informed rationale for the topic.

An education session may take the form of an interactive lecture, a workshop, or a panel discussion.
Education sessions may be 30-60 minutes in length and include time for questions and discussion. The length of time for each session may be adjusted after the review process.

Deadline for submissions is Sunday, October 6, 2024.

Call for Proposals

Research Presentations

The Ontario Physiotherapy Association (OPA) invites the submission of research abstracts for our annual conference.

Research submissions are related to original academic research, clinical quantitative or qualitative research, or systematic and scoping reviews. Abstracts for research that is in progress or for which data acquisition and analysis are incomplete or absent will not be accepted and should be submitted next year.

Research sessions will be 10-minute oral presentations, which includes time for questions. Presentation slides are welcome, but optional.

Deadline for submissions is Sunday, October 6, 2024.

Call for Proposals

Special Interest Reports

The Ontario Physiotherapy Association (OPA) invites the submission of abstracts related to innovative special interest reports for our annual conference.

This category is for reports on new or unique methods, materials, programs or principles developed, used and evaluated by the authors. It may also include descriptions of innovative ways that established methods have been adapted and evaluated to meet the special needs of physiotherapy practice or education. Submissions should include relevant evidence where possible.

Special interest reports may include quality improvement initiatives, emerging research methodologies, curriculum development processes and program evaluation.

Special interest report presentations may be 10-60 minutes in length, including time for questions and discussion.

Deadline for submissions is Sunday, October 6, 2024.